GSF dissection

Contains information and downloads about the GSF file format reverse engineering progress and the GSF Unpacker.
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GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

AyCe said to write this post

In one block there cant be more than 1000 triangles
//enum {MAX_FACES=1000};

Face Splitting:
// face index iFIdx
// face mat id iFMatID = pMesh->faces[iFIdx].getMatID()%p_raiMatMap.GetSize();
// iFaceChunkID=aiChunkFSort[aiFaceMatIDsSplit[iFIdx]].m_iChunkIdxReMap

VertexDataSize 8byte structure:
x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v

VertexDataSize 9byte structure:
x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, unk byte

VertexDataSize 16byte structure:
x, y, z, nx, ny, nz, u, v, BoneIndex1(1byte), BoneIndex2(1byte), BoneIndex3(1byte), BoneIndex4(1byte), BoneWeights(one byte per bone)

icewaste_animals.gsf 21.06.2009

Code: Select all

0x00000000		GSF_PACK_HEADER
47 53 46 00		"GSF 00"
00 00 00 00		FormatVersion = 0
00 00 01 00		ContentsTableOffset = 0x00010000

0x0000000C		TREE_NODES
From 0x0000000C to unknown (it needs to be parsed) #Models,anims,sounds,classes(not included in that .gsf),walktransition lists

0x000003F9		SOUNDS
After models and anims list to unknown	
27 00 00 00		All sounds count

25 00 00 00		MaxCharsCount in sound name.
30 30 5F 6E 70 63 2F 6E 70 63 5F 64 69 6E 6F 5F 68 75 67 65 31 5F 77 61 74 65 72 5F 61 74 74 31 2E 77 61 76 00    00_npc/npc_dino_huge1_water_att1.wav
01 00 00 00		The frame on which the sound starts
63 00 00 00		Volume
66 66 66 3F		Sound speed
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 41		
00 00 96 42		42=const
00 00 98 42		42=const
01 00 00 00
00				Splitter (Used to split blocks if the sound is used more than once in the animation)
and 36 more empty entries, 74 bytes each(except 04_step/step_dino_swim5.wav because there the sound should play 3 times per animation) upto 0x00000E1A

00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
02 00 00 00		walktransitions count
09 00 00 00		CharsCount
41 6E 69 6D 61 6C 73 31 00		Animals1
09 00 00 00		CharsCount
41 6E 69 6D 61 6C 73 33 00		Animals3

0x00000E41		PADDING
From unknown to 0x0000FFFF		#Except when the TREE_NODES is larger 0x00010000 (all_characters.gsf,all_animals.gsf ...)

0x00010000		CONTENTS_TABLE
00 00 00 00		0=const
05 00 00 00		ObjectsCount = 5 #AllModelsCount
0B 00 00 00		SubObjectsCount = 11 #AllAnimsCount
00 00 00 00		0=const
1C 00 00 00		Offset to OBJECTS_TABLE = 0x1002C
05 00 00 00		ObjectsCount = 5 #Models classes count										
B8 01 00 00		Offset to ANIMATIONS_CLASSES_TABLE = 0x101D0
0B 00 00 00		SubObjectsCount = 11 #Anim classes count

06 00 00 00		MaterialsCount = 6
4C A0 00 00		MaterialsTableOffset = 0x1A070
E8 03 00 00		TotalEntries = 1000

43 68 61 72		"Char"
38 FE 00 00		Offset to OBJECT_NAME = 0x1FE68
2C FE 00 00		Offset to USED_CHUNKS_TABLE = 0x1FE60 #offset to all chunks offsets
02 00 00 00		USED_CHUNKS_TABLE offsets count = 2
1C A0 00 00		Offset to CONTENTS_TABLE and OBJECTS_TABLE offsets list = 0x1A058
01 00 00 00		00=skip data. 01=read data
00 00 00 00		2 shorts #Unk. Short and Additional effects count
FF FF 00 00		2 shorts #Links offset (where the links table should start or something like that) and links count
00 01 00 00		4 bytes
FF 00 00 00		4 bytes
00 00 00 80		Offset
00 00 00 80		Offset to pathfinder blocker table
00 00 00 00		4 bytes. 1=PF planes to render (green). 2=01=render all volumes 02=render all volumes + nm sphere? 3=PF unknown. 4=unknown
48 AF 10 BF		BoundingBoxMinX = -0.565175
FB 41 7E BF		BoundingBoxMinY = -0.993194
64 B8 37 BE		BoundingBoxMinZ = -0.179414
4A AF 90 3F		BoundingBoxMaxX = 1.13035
DA B5 FD 3F		BoundingBoxMaxY = 1.98211
57 E6 E1 3E		BoundingBoxMaxZ = 0.44121
10 FE 00 00		Offset to ANIM_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE = 0x1FE88
03 00 00 00		Animations count
From 0x0001002C to 0x0001007F (0x54 = 84 bytes) Char (bothriolepis)
From 0x00010080 to 0x000100D3 (0x54 = 84 bytes) Char (dunkleosteus)
From 0x000100D4 to 0x00010127 (0x54 = 84 bytes) Anim (henodus)
From 0x00010128 to 0x0001017B (0x54 = 84 bytes) Anim (quetzalcoatlus)
From 0x0001017C to 0x000101CF (0x54 = 84 bytes) Char (quetzalcoatlus_boden)

43 68 61 72		"Char"
30 01 00 00		Offset to ANIMATION_HEADER = 0x10304
74 04 00 00		Offset to table with ANIM_START_OFFSET and STAND_POS_ANIM_DATA
01 00 00 00		SomeCount = 1
00 00 00 80		Offset to ANIM_USED_CHUNKS_TABLE(null)
01 00 00 00		SomeCount = 1
0A 00 00 00		Anim frames count = 10

From 0x000101D0 to 0x000101EB (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x000101EC to 0x00010207 (0x1C = 28 bytes) 00 00 00 00 (Yes, this is the class name) (NOT CHECKED)
From 0x00010208 to 0x00010223 (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x00010224 to 0x0001023F (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x00010240 to 0x0001025B (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x0001025C to 0x00010277 (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x00010278 to 0x00010293 (0x1C = 28 bytes) Anim 
From 0x00010294 to 0x000102AF (0x1C = 28 bytes) 00 00 00 00 (And this is too) (NOT CHECKED)
From 0x000102B0 to 0x000102CB (0x1C = 28 bytes) Anim 
From 0x000102CC to 0x000102E7 (0x1C = 28 bytes) Char 
From 0x000102E8 to 0x00010303 (0x1C = 28 bytes) Anim 

0x00010304		ANIMATION_HEADER (Anim can support scaling, or may not)
01 00 00 00		StringsCount = 1
14 00 00 00		MaxCharsCount in anim name. If the name is more or equal 14 characters, then 24 00 00 00   (14=20)
08 00 00 00		CharsCount = 8
48 65 6C 70 65 72 30 31		"Helper01"

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 #Padding (MaxCharsCount)
05 00 00 40		ChunkType = 0x40000005
00 00 00 00		Attributes
5B F9 F4 16		Guid = 0x16F4F95B
00 00 00 80		ChunkType2
FF FF FF FF		#short2 - short1 = How many frames from the first should be played to loop walk anim (eg if 0A 00 32 00 then 32 - A = 28 = 40 frames)
00 00 80 BF		
00 00 01 00		
1C 00 00 00		DataChunkAddress = 0x00010340 + 0x001C = 0x0001035C
A8 01 00 00		NextHeaderAddress = 0x00010344 + 0x01A8 = 0x000104EC
01 00 00 00		NextHeadersCount = 1
0A 00 00 00		TransformationsCount = 10
00 00 00 00		float. For walk anim. Distance between first and second path points
00 00 00 00		float. For walk anim.
00 00 00 00		float. For walk anim. Distance between penultimate and last path points

0x0001035C		ANIMATION_DATA	(Helper01)
From 0x0001035C to 0x000104EB
40 bytes * 10 transformations = 400 bytes = 0x0190 up to 0x000104EB #model position in the world

From 0x000104EC to 0x0001064F transformations

0x000104EC		Header
01 02 01 00		
0C 00 00 00		DataChunkAddress = 0x000104F0 + 0x000C = 0x000104FC
A8 00 00 00		NextHeaderAddress = 0x000104F4 + 0x00A8 = 0x0001059C
01 00 00 00		NextHeadersCount = 1
From 0x000104FC to 0x0001059B #mesh1 transformations
02 02 00 00
0C 00 00 00
00 00 00 80
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 C0 A0
00 00 80 3F
From 0x000105BC to 0x00010647 #mesh2 transformations
00 00 80 3F
D8 FC FF FF		0x0001064C - 808d = 0x00010324 Offset to animation start

From 0x00010650 to 0x00011F73

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x00011F74 to 0x000130A7

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x00011F74 to 0x00013C8B

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x00013C8C to 0x000145C7

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x000145C8 to 0x0001470B

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x0001470C to 0x000147E7

From 0x000147E8 to 0x00015B1B

next ANIMATION+ANIMATION_DATA	(Dunkleosteus_helper)
From 0x00015B1C to 0x0001719F

From 0x000171A0 to 0x000190D3

From 0x000190D4 to 0x000195A7

Bothriolepis model start

0x000195A8		BONES_TABLE
05 00 00 00		ChunkType
1F 00 00 00		Attributes
5B F9 F4 16		Guid	Crc32b 16F4F95B = "root"

00 00 00 00
5B F9 F4 16		Guid
00 00 00 00		Flags
8C 74 96 B2		AnimPosX
14 DE 7E 3F		AnimPosY
A4 A5 61 3C		AnimPosZ
00 00 80 3F		ScaleX
00 00 80 3F		ScaleY
00 00 80 3F		ScaleZ
9F EA FC BE		Quaternion
FF 85 01 3F		Quaternion
9D EA FC 3E		Quaternion
FF 85 01 3F		Quaternion
01 00 00 00		Childs count
18 00 00 00		Offset to next bone

01 00 00 00		Parent bone сhilds count?
88 00 00 00		Offset to  list
03 00 00 00		Bones count?
03 00 00 00		Bones count?

00 00 00 00		Parent bone id?
E3 38 C9 F9		Guid
00 00 00 00		Flags
8F 22 0A 3F		AnimPosX
4D 77 E8 35		AnimPosY
53 12 8F B1		AnimPosZ
00 00 80 3F		ScaleX
00 00 80 3F		ScaleY
00 00 80 3F		ScaleZ
E2 23 40 A5		Quaternion
24 73 E5 30		Quaternion
34 70 1C 3D		Quaternion
30 D0 7F 3F		Quaternion
01 00 00 00		Childs count
08 00 00 00		Offset to next bone

01 00 00 00		Parent bone id?
48 B4 8B B9		Guid
00 00 00 00		Flags
25 4F 26 3F		AnimPosX
20 B9 67 34		AnimPosY
0A 12 14 33		AnimPosZ
00 00 80 3F		ScaleX
00 00 80 3F		ScaleY
00 00 80 3F		ScaleZ
3E 87 3B 26		Quaternion
DA C1 50 B0		Quaternion
8B 54 8E BC		Quaternion
1C F6 7F 3F		Quaternion
00 00 00 00		Childs count
00 00 00 80		Offset to next bone(null)

0x00019678		unk_TABLE
00 00 00 00
A2 8A 7D 33
F8 F2 68 B3
00 00 80 BF
00 00 00 00
34 ED 7F BF
5D 28 C4 3C
12 6B 95 B3
00 00 00 00

62 28 C4 3C		0.023945
34 ED 7F 3F		0.999713
A2 F6 7B B3		-5.86648e-08
00 00 00 80		-0

C0 B5 7E 3F		0.994961
60 0A 1A BD		-0.0376076
CA C1 61 33		5.25631e-08
00 00 80 3F		1

59 20 80 33		5.96635e-08
DD 76 55 B3		-4.9701e-08
FE FF 7F BF		-1
00 00 00 80		-0

D7 A5 7F BF		-0.998624
12 C4 56 BD		-0.0524331
A8 3F 8E B3		-6.62397e-08
00 00 00 00		0

0F C4 56 BD
D7 A5 7F 3F
4C C2 7B B3
00 00 00 80

87 F0 E9 3E
C7 A2 33 BB
43 18 6D 33
00 00 80 3F

48 34 7F 33
12 5A 5E B3
00 00 00 80

B6 F5 7F BF
E8 0B 91 BC
2C 82 91 B3
00 00 00 00

E2 0B 91 BC
B6 F5 7F 3F
E0 FC 7B B3
00 00 00 80

FF 55 45 BE
18 A6 81 3B
A4 88 AF 32
00 00 80 3F

00 00 00 80		ChunkType
1F 00 00 00		Attributes
B7 19 10 42		Guid

00 00 80 3F		ScaleX
00 00 00 00		StretchY
00 00 00 00		StretchZ(x)
00 00 00 00		0

00 00 00 00		StretchX
00 00 80 3F		ScaleY
00 00 00 00		StretchZ(y)
00 00 00 00		0

00 00 00 00		ShearX
00 00 00 00		ShearY
00 00 80 3F		ScaleZ
00 00 00 00		0

00 00 00 00		PosX
00 00 00 00		PosY
00 00 00 00		PosZ
00 00 80 3F		1

0x00019788		!MESH_BOUNDING_BOX!
02 00 00 00		ChunkType
00 00 00 00		Attributes
08 00 00 00		Offset to BBox1
00 00 00 00		Guid
48 AF 10 BF		GlobalBBMinX = -0.565
FB 41 7E BF		GlobalBBMinY = -0.993
64 B8 37 BE		GlobalBBMinZ = -0.179
4C AF 10 3F		GlobalBBMaxX = 1.130
BA 29 7D 3F		GlobalBBMaxY = 1.982
25 0A 86 3E		GlobalBBMaxZ = 0.441
01 00 00 00		Mesh count and/or MeshLocalBBox count
10 00 00 00		Offset to BBox2
01 00 00 00		Mesh count and/or MeshLocalBBox count
9A 08 00 00		Offset to next MESH_TRANSFORMATIONS or to USED_CHUNKS_TABLE if this is the last mesh in the model
01 00 00 00		Mesh count and/or MeshLocalBBox count

48 AF 10 BF		Mesh1LocalBBMinX = -0.565
FB 41 7E BF		Mesh1LocalBBMinY = -0.993
64 B8 37 BE		Mesh1LocalBBMinZ = -0.179
4C AF 10 3F		Mesh1LocalBBMaxX = 1.130
BA 29 7D 3F		Mesh1LocalBBMaxY = 1.982
25 0A 86 3E		Mesh1LocalBBMaxZ = 0.441
5F 00 00 00		Vertices = 95
67 00 00 00		Triangles = 103
18 00 00 00		Offset to vertices = 0x197FC
04 06 00 00		Offset to faces = 0x19DEC
67 00 00 00		Triangles = 103
10 00 00 00		VertexDataSize = 16
00 00 00 80		SomeOffset = null
00 00 00 00		SomeCount = null

From 0x000197FC to 0x00019DEB Vertices data (0x5F0 = 1520 bytes / VertexDataSize(16) = 95 vertices)

From 0x00019DEC to 0x0001A055 Triangles data (0x26A = 618 bytes / 6 = 103 faces)

From 0x0001A056 to 0x0001A057 unk 2 bytes (maybe padding)

0x0001A058		CONTENTS_TABLE and OBJECTS_TABLE offsets list

0C 00 00 00		Type = 12
01 00 00 00		MaterialsCount = 1
01 00 00 00		
00 00 00 00		AdditionalMaterialIndex1 = 0 (Additional effects)
00 00 00 00		AdditionalMaterialIndex2 = 0 (Textures with alpha channel)
0F 00 00 00		15

B8 5D 00 00		Offset to TEXTURE_NAME = 0x1FE30
00 00 00 80		Offset to NM_TEXTURE_NAME(null)
00 00 00 80		Offset to ENV_TEXTURE_NAME(null)
00 00 00 00		0
10 40 00 00		16400
42 00 00 00		66

B6 F8 00 00		Offset to TEXTURE_NAME
E2 F8 00 00		Offset to NM_TEXTURE_NAME
00 00 00 80		Offset to ENV_TEXTURE_NAME
00 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00

FE F8 00 00		Offset to TEXTURE_NAME
00 00 00 80		Offset to NM_TEXTURE_NAME
00 00 00 80		Offset to ENV_TEXTURE_NAME
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00

48 97 FF FF		Offset to BONES_TABLE or to animation if there is no skeleton

01 00 00 00		StringsCount = 1
14 00 00 00		MaxCharsCount in model name. If the name is more or equal 14 characters, then 24 00 00 00
0C 00 00 00		CharsCount = 12
62 6F 74 68 72 69 6F 6C 65 70 69 73		"bothriolepis"
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00					Padding

A4 01 FF FF		Offset to OBJECTS_TABLE 0x0001FE88 - 65116d = 0x0001002C
20 00 00 00		Offset to anim1	in ANIM_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE2
01 00 00 00		00=skip data. 01=read data

98 01 FF FF		0x0001FE94 - 65128d = 0x0001002C
00 00 00 80		Offset to anim2	in ANIM_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE2(null)
00 00 00 00		00=skip data. 01=read data

8C 01 FF FF		0x0001FEA0 - 65140d = 0x0001002C
00 00 00 80		Offset to anim3	in ANIM_ATTRIBUTES_TABLE2(null)
00 00 00 00		00=skip data. 01=read data

78 04 FF FF		Offset to anim1 chunk start 0x0001FEAC - 64392d = 0x00010324 (Decimal from signed 2's complement)
0A 00 00 00		Anim1 frames count

Each vertex stores 8 bytes (64 bits) in the table of vertices, but just the first 39 bits (0-12 for x, 13 to-25 for y, 26-38 for z) are used for the vertex coordinates
bits 0-12: x
bits 13-25: y
bits 26-38: z
bits 39-47: normals (nx ny nz)
bits 48-55: u
bits 56-63: v
PW vertex data to .obj.txt
by BSM
(2.27 KiB) Downloaded 456 times
test_objects.gsf dissection.txt
Completely dissected test_objects.gsf
(10.62 KiB) Downloaded 461 times
Last update: 01.06.2018
To be continued...

Parts that are not included in the icewaste_animals.gsf

0x0211CB95 LINKS
0B 00 00 80 ChunkType
1F 00 00 00 Attributes
B8 7C B7 FE Link guid
76 74 37 BF -0.7166208 PosX
1C C3 1C 3F 0.61235213 PosY
7C 7C 01 40 2.023223 PosZ
B7 2A 17 3F 0.5904955 Quaternion
16 DC D8 BD -0.10588853 Quaternion
FF 1C 20 BE -0.15636061 Quaternion
EB DD 48 3F 0.7846362 Quaternion
48 6E 64 52 "HndR" Link name
00 00 00 00
26 FF FF FF Bone id
FF 00 00 00

0x0211CE6D LINKSv2
0B 00 00 00 ChunkType
1F 00 00 00 Attributes
BC 6A 99 D6 Link guid
0D D0 24 34 PosX
E0 BC 60 40 PosY
9C 1A D3 BA PosZ
00 00 00 00 Quaternion
00 00 00 00 Quaternion
00 00 80 3F Quaternion
69 21 A2 B3 Quaternion
46 6D 30 31 "Fm01"

01 00 00 00 Blocker type 00=sphere(hit collision) 01=planes(path blocker)
5A D5 80 C0 PosX
5A D5 80 C0 PosY
C0 C4 0A BE PosZ
5A D5 00 41 ScaleX
5A D5 00 41 ScaleY
BD 9B 03 41 ScaleZ
1F 00 00 00 (guid maybe)

PF_BLOCKERv2 (Collision sphere)
01 00 00 00 Blocker type 00=sphere(hit collision) 01=planes(path blocker)
89 A9 41 3E PosX
C3 84 DA C0 PosY
74 9A 36 40 PosZ
F9 BB C0 40 Scale
80 1A 11 42 Unk
00 00 00 00 Always 00 00 00 00 (padding)
1F 00 00 00 (guid maybe)
PW vertex data to .obj.txt
by BSM
(2.27 KiB) Downloaded 426 times
Last edited by Zidell on Fri Jun 01, 2018 13:52 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Let's say that we have almost everything for simple vetrex and triangles unpacker
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Somebody say something
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Scrat »

hi :)
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

I asked for it myself ...
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Anybody want to help me with the c# code?
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by AnthonyCole »

What do you need help with?
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

There are some problems with unpacking
One of the coordinates (z) doesnt change for some reason

(Allo model)
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Found pathfinder blocker size scale factor
Now we can fix the seas buildings
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by AnthonyCole »

Cool! It's defined in the GSF? So we would have to include a "copy&patcher" or redistribute the fixed GSF files in the mods?
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Scrat »

absolutely awesome :shock: finally!
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

It is a bad idea
I could do so that the buildings couldnt be built close together but it will break pathfinder blocker
And I think we cant add a blocker to models that dont have it

If I try to change pf blocker size the game is almost always crashes Urs.Server.Pathfinder ERROR:PF Blocker 'hu_fireplace_0' too large [3.713e+013 1.701e+038]! (max:128x128) even if change only 00 to 01 Urs.Server.Pathfinder ERROR:PF Blocker 'hu_fireplace_1' too large [1.#IO 1.#IO]! (max:128x128)
Last edited by Zidell on Mon Apr 09, 2018 13:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

From the good news:
We solved the problem with z coord and textures
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

I can change the position and size of existing pf blockers
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Scrat »

which means we can rescale the size of seas building grounds, and the blocking properties accordingly?
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

I dont think that we should change anything, except for the seas big cannon.But it's already completed
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Scrat »

why not use the adequate sizes of all other tribes? it's not fair that seas need a so much bigger base than others. e.g. the barracks is way bigger than any other tribe's, or the factory. maybe we should use the DR barracks and the NM machine maker as size comparables.
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Seas small tent and big tent pf blockers reduced twice now. For other seas buildings its impossible
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Scrat »

ok thanks. great :)
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Now we can enable or disable normal mapping,shininess and playercol in obj material
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Re: GSF dissection

Post by Zidell »

Lumberjack with playercolor
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